Melissa Weatherall RHNP

Helping people live their best life without restriction or deprivation Since 2018

Get To Know Me

 It’s nice to meet you!

I'm Melissa Weatherall,

I studied at "Nutraphoria School of Holistic Nutrition" and graduated from their two year Advanced Holistic Nutrition program in June 2018. I am registered, insured and practicing as a Holistic Nutritionist.  I see people anywhere virtually and also in person at my home office.  

Are you feeling less than 100% on a regular basis and don't know why?


There's a good chance your hormones are part of the problem. Why not find out? Take the free hormone health quiz to get started.Ā 

Take The Quiz

Private Coaching

Work with me one on one in a comfortable and supportive environment. Together we'll discover your true health goals, your obstacles, and how you can finally live the life you want to live. I have plenty of options, one is perfect for you!

  • Balanced Beginnings 
  • Balanced Plus
  • Balanced Bold
More Information

Group Coaching

Sometimes it's better together. Our group coaching offers a safe environment to support and be supported while like-minded people push themselves to live their best lives. Choose the plan that meets your needs.

  • Thrive Perfectly Balanced
More Information

DIYĀ Programs

I have an exciting calendar filled with options for group programs. Together we will look at weight loss, detox, hormones, gut health, and more. Find the right program for you, and enjoy the benefits of a group.

  • 4 Day Reboot
  • Revive 365
  • Naturally BalancedĀ 
More Information

"Melissa has helped me so much.  With her help and encouragement, I now prep good food for the week, sleep better all around.  I have lost almost 10 pounds in the month since I first met with her.  Thank You Melissa!"


-Fiona M

Free Resources

Whether it's your first step, or your next step, these Free resources will bring simplicity and joy to your health journey.


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Simple Ways to Regain Your Energy and Shed Stress Weight

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Unveiling the Tranquil Path: Exploring the Profound Benefits of Med...

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Sip Smartly: A Guide to making Water a Daily Habit

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Change Your Mood With These 13 Foods

Food has the ability to improve your mood. If you have a fairly good diet, you can open up your pantry and come upon plenty of mood-boosting delicacies that are both healthy and delicious

Summer Super Foods

When you think of summer, you probably have visions of warm weather, cooling off in a lake or ocean, and enjoying time with friends and family.

Another thought people often have with summertime is what your diet might look like. The foods you eat not only affect your waistline but can also improve your health. That is where superfoods come in.

4 Day Jump Start

This 4-day Cleanse Will Be Like Hitting the Reset Button on Your Health.


Balanced Wellness is about much more than nutrition. To truly optimize our health, and our joy in life we need to look at all aspects of our lives.

I do not believe is restrictive diets or deprivation. I believe in balance, I believe we need what I refer to as my four foundations Nutrition, Movement, Mindset, and Maintenance. Without each of these being given equal consideration we will struggle to maintain health and happiness. I invite you to a complimentary mini consult to see how I can help you bring balance to your life.

Complimentary Mini Consult

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