The incredible history behind Thieves Oil
Oct 01, 2023Interested in a home remedies workshop? CLICK HERE
We often feel that our modern society and medicines are vastly superior to our ancestors. While it is true that our understanding of the human body, disease, and infections has grown exponentially over time, not every action we have taken has been a leap forward. A bacterial infection usually caused by the bite of a flea is believed to be the cause behind one of the deadliest pandemics in human history. Known as the Bubonic Plague, or "Black Plague" this bacteria was deadly to almost literally everyone it contacted.
The first major outbreak was between 541 and 549 AD and killed an estimated 25 million people in the Sasanian and Roman Empires. The second pandemic became the deadliest disease outbreak in human history. This second wave hit in the 1300s and killed one-third of the entire European human population. Also during this time, societies became increasingly violent possibly because the high mortality rate cheapened people's views of the value of life. War, crime, and revolt all increased throughout Europe. The bacteria moved from fleas into rats who often fed off-grain storages or traveled on merchant ships spreading the pandemic further and further.
The third pandemic began around 1894, this time known as the modern pandemic its likely origin was in Asia but eventually spread throughout the world including the United States. The bacteria still exists today in wild rats and the most recent outbreak was in 1994 in India.
While it might seem that we just accepted our fates in those early days there were a few who managed to find ways to fight back against the pandemic. Most notably the four thieves described in the video above, men who successfully defied the deadly plague but ultimately could not manage to escape their own government. Today a fortune is being made each year off the recipe they wrote down in hopes of saving their lives, unfortunately, none of them would ever see a single penny from it.
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